Encodya gameplay
Encodya gameplay

encodya gameplay

Yes, you can control either Tina or SAM-53 at any given time. There were times when you would interact with something, whether it was an item or person/robot but the interaction would only work if you were in control of the correct character. Switching between characters | Now this is something I really liked about Encodya.At the start of playing, I may have found them a little different to get my head around but I was using everything perfectly fine in no time at all. They all work as they should although not common controls for the actions they provide compared to most games. If playing on easy mode, you can also press X to highlight any collectable items you may have missed and no, this doesn’t work for secrets. You move around using the analogue sticks, view your inventory with RT, use the map by pressing LT, change characters with LB, and RB to run around while moving. Simple controls | The controls in Encoyda were very easy to use and follow.


On the plus side, should you ask accidentally, you can change your mind and choose the ‘I like challenges’ option. Also made me feel a little guilty as when you ask for help, he always makes a point to tell you not constantly ask as calculating these stresses out his CPU. Admittedly by the end of my first playthrough, I dare say SAM-53 was probably tired of talking to me. For example, one hint was that I should ask around for something that was basically the games way of telling me I need to talk to people or could have missed someone important. They can be extremely helpful and necessary should you get frustrated and/or confused as I did multiple times. Encodya gives you the option to talk to SAM-53 should you need help at any point.

  • Hints available | Hints were by far my best friend when it came to getting stuck and this happened pretty consistently.
  • Overall, the soundtrack suits the setting and does give a calm ambience for players to enjoy alongside the story. It brings balance into the equation when combined with visuals. Music changed between areas and was relaxing and excellently composed to fit the theme of Encodya.

    encodya gameplay

    Even NPC voices I was pleasantly surprised by. Ha.” The use of Tinas’ voice represents her emotions well along with the visual facial expressions. I have to point out one bit of dialogue that made me smile and that was when SAM-53 laughed by literally saying “Ha. Enjoyable audio | The voice acting in Encodya was suitable and matched the personalities linked to each of the characters.I don’t want to go into detail with regards to the story as it’s hard not to spoil things but Encodya provides a range of emotions, challenges, and mental/physical strength that makes this overall tale shine. It’s heartbreaking to imagine any child having to fend for themself like that. Imagine living in a world where you don’t know about your family, needing to scavenge for food, and life in an improvised shelter that is falling apart all at the age of nine. Tina is left to fend for herself with only the help of SAM-53 at her side. I had happy and sad tears during my playthrough but most importantly, I felt connected to Tina with her tough background and upbringing in such a disrupted and ruined world. Interesting story | The story behind Encodya was beautiful.This review is the personal opinion of the writer.


    ℹ️ Reviewed on Xbox One S | Review code provided by PR/publisher. ” Encodya provides a range of emotions, challenges, and mental/physical strength that makes this overall tale shine.” Having been developed by Chaosmonger Studio and published by Assemble Entertainment, Encodya has a story you are certainly going to want to read and finish to the end.

    encodya gameplay

    In Encodya, a point and click title, you will be scavenging high and low, speaking to multiple people and robots, combining items, solving puzzles, and progressing through different sectors in an effort to complete this important task. By finding ways around this, you are left with leaving your makeshift shelter on one of the many rooftops to complete the mission your dad left in your hands a mission that could save the world you know.

    encodya gameplay

    Playing as Tina who is a nine-year-old orphan and her robot guardian and protector known as SAM-53, you find yourself searching for answers in regards to a message that has been left behind from your dad that would only be accessible from your 10th birthday. LifeisXbox’s Encodya Review | Situated in Neo Berlin 2062, a groggy megalopolis that is run and controlled by corporates, you will embark on an adventure to uncover information that you originally thought was nowhere to be found.

    Encodya gameplay